At the Halton Hills Public Library you can read current and past issues of magazines and newspapers.

Browse our Catalogue

To access our digital collections, you will need your Halton Hills Library Card to log in. Register online for a library card if you don't have one.


Hoopla provides access to digital video, audiobooks and magazines to stream in your browser or enjoy offline on your phone or tablet. There are more than 230,000 titles in this collection, which includes current and past hits, as well as classics. There is a variety of genres to choose from, with something for all ages. You can borrow up to 12 items per month. 

View Hoopla

Ontario Library Service Download Centre and Libby

Ontario Library Service Download Centre provides access to digital content (audiobooks, eBooks, and magazines) via desktop computers. Find best-selling authors, new release titles, classics and crowd-pleasers. You can check out up to 10 titles at one time, and never worry about late fees again as titles are automatically returned at the end of the borrowing period. 

View Ontario Library Service Download Centre

For a more personalized reading experience, try the Libby App! You can adjust an eBook's font size, book layout, and lighting. As you read, you can also add bookmarks, create notes and highlights, and define words. Libby also makes it simple to listen when, where, and how you want! 

Important Message for OverDrive app users: In early 2023, the OverDrive app will be discontinued. Upgrade to Libby today using the button below. In Libby, you'll find the same great titles from your library in a beautiful, modern, easy-to-use app. Your loans, holds, and wish list items will be waiting for you in Libby.

Download Libby

If you would like assistance downloading Libby to a portal device, the Halton Hills Public Library offers free 30-minute help sessions with a librarian. These appointments are perfect if you need more assistance than can be provided over the phone or if you just walk in. 

To schedule an appointment, please fill out the Book a Librarian form.

Online resources

  • Canadian Reference Centre: You can find over 1,000 magazines, journals, and newspapers including Consumer Reports, Alive, Futurist, Vegetarian Times, Elle Canada, Canadian Living, Harrowsmith Country Living, Canadian Social Trends, Maclean's and Profit.
  • CPI.Q. Canadian Periodicals: Full-text Canadian magazines and newspapers, including selected articles from the Globe & Mail.
  • MasterFILE Premiere: This database has access to magazines, reference books, and primary source documents. It also contains an image collection with photos, maps and flags.
  • Ontario Library Service Download Centre (Magazines): Provides access to online magazines via smartphones, computers, and portable devices. Sign in with your library card to get started.


Access 4000 newspapers and magazines from 100 countries in 60 languages with PressReader! The newspapers and magazines appear in their original format and original languages. PressReader features archived issues up to two weeks, a magnifying lens, bookmarks, and full-text search. Newspapers and magazines are organized by country, by language, and alphabetically. 

Access PressReader